School Rules


  • 1.These columns must be filled by the parents in advance or when the student joins again.

  • 2. If a student remains absent from school without any sanction of leave for four days continuously or for four days in all during the month, his/her name shall be struck off the rolls.

  • 3. A leave up to three days per month shall be sanctioned by the class teacher but a leave for more than three days can only be granted by the Principal, that too, in advance.

  • 4. The absentees from class V to X shall be charged a fine of Rs.50 per day.

  • 5. In case of any infections disease, the parents must intimate the school and keep their ward at home till the danger of infection is over.

  • 6.Extending leave before/after each of the vacations without prior permission from the Principal, results into a fine of Rs.50 per day of absence.

  • 7. No student can miss writing Unit Test/ Term Exam? Pre - Board etc, as per the fixe Date Sheet failing which he shall obtain no marks in that paper. In extra ordinary circumstance, the date of the Examination can be re-scheduled by the Principal but that too with a special fee of Rs.100/- per subject.